How to Create the Perfect Social Media Post

With the amount of social media platforms out there, putting up the right post for the right audience on the right site can be overwhelming. How can you separate your brand from the sheer volume of voices that are constantly chattering on social...

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How to Sell Your Brand

Once you have committed to your brand’s identity and know the competition that you are up against, you need to focus on selling your brand. Understanding your customers’ wants and needs is essential to selling your brand. But how do you do it? There...

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Up Your Company's EDGE

Utilizing a point of sale system (POS) can help jewelry stores easily navigate inventory, reorder best-selling items, easily process transactions, and capture critical data to help you maximize and push more inventory products. Finding the right POS...

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4 Tips To Strengthen Your Brand

In marketing, it seems like the word "brand" is used a lot -- the leading brand, off-brand, personal brand ... you get the picture. 

But there's often confusion around its meaning in business. What does it entail? Do I need to hire an expert?...

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Breaking Down Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as social media, email, Google search, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers.


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What You Need to Know About Localization

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10 Reasons Visitors Are Leaving Your Website

You have a brand new website with a new look and great SEO, so where's the traffic? While there are a variety of reasons your website may have a high bounce rate, here are 10 reasons you may not have more web traffic. While these are easy...
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4 Ways Online Reviews Can Help You Close More Sales

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5 Ways to Make Your Website More Trustworthy

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How Web Applications Can Help Your UX

In last week’s blog we reviewedTips & Tricks to Increase Your Website’s User Experience. This week, we’re talking about how interactive website applications can better your online user experience. Especially when shopping online for jewelry...

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