Tips & Tricks to Increase Your Website's User Experience

When designing a new website, it’s easy to get stuck on the aesthetics and overlook a critical part of your design: the user experience. The user experience (UX) is the ease and functionality that your website provides for its visitors, and it can...

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How a Good Jewelry Search Ranking Can Affect Your Business

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial tool that should be used to drive traffic to your online jewelry store. Since most online traffic comes from search engines, you should always be concerned about your jewelry search ranking on Google,...

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4 Reasons Your Store Needs an eCommerce Website

New and returning customers are critical for growing your business. But sometimes, getting new customers and connecting with current ones is easier said than done. Developing an eCommerce website easily allows you to bring your sales online,...

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How to Increase Sales Through Your Blogs

Once you've crafted a jewelry website that mirrors your ideals, the next focal point should be increasing sales through your blogs. It may take some time to develop a loyal blog following, but eventually, it can be the key to endless sales. In order...

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Welcome Ice Diamonds to JewelCloud!

GemFind, the leading technology provider to the jewelry industry, is happy to welcome Ice Diamonds, the newest vendor to add their collections to the industry’s fastest growing social product network. With JewelCloud®, Ice Diamonds can better reach...

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Why You Should Care About On-Page SEO

There has been a great deal of discussion in recent years about the importance of your business having a website. Even if you feel like your jewelry store is doing fine, couldn't you be doing more? Isn't it possible you are not reaching your...

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Know What Your Customer Wants Before They Come Into Your Store

Selling jewelry online makes life easier for customers to browse your inventory from the comfort of their homes. And just as your potential customers browse your website to see what products you offer, it's important for you to also understand what...

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Ways to Improve the Online Presence of Your Jewelry Store

Setting up a jewelry website is exciting, but how do you attract new customers? Key building blocks include search engine optimization (SEO) and using industry specific tools to modernize your website and provide a seamless user experience. Here...

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Why Co-Op Advertising Can Benefit Your Jewelry Business

An innovative approach to reducing advertising costs is to work with partners, such as designers and manufacturers, who pay for advertising in exchange for mentions in marketing campaigns. Here are a few reasons co-op advertising can benefit your...

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Are You Monitoring Your Web Traffic Correctly?

The first step to monitoring your website traffic is to ensure that your website is updated and ready to capture traffic information. Without an accurate setup your web traffic could be increasing, but you may not realize it! The best way to track...

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