The Importance of Having Live Chat on Your Jewelry Store's Website

When you invest in a website for your jewelry store, you understandably want prospects and customers to be able to reach you if they have a question. Most jewelry store websites of course will include telephone number, and address, and a form...

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The Buyer’s Journey for a Jewelry Purchase

What goes through a consumer’s mind as they go through the process to buy a piece of fine jewelry? If you’ve ever wanted to take a closer look inside the customer’s thought process as they go from “just looking” to making a purchase, you’re in luck! 

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Jewelry Merchandising For the Holiday Season (Online!)

As jewelry stores begin to prep for this holiday season, they are facing another new challenge showcasing beautiful jewelry pieces and reaching the amount of clients they used to have bustling through their front door. As jewelry brands are creating...

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Preparing Your Digital Presence for the Holiday Season

It’s (getting close to) the most wonderful time of the year! Being in the jewelry industry, we all know that the gift of jewelry is not going away, even during a global pandemic-- It may just be a different holiday for reaching all potential...

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How Jewelers Can Outsmart, Not Outspend Competitors on Google Ads

Outwit, outsmart, outspend? It sounds like a Survivor throwback, but when it comes to dealing with competitors on Google Ads, you don’t have to spend more to win. In fact, with a few brilliant tactics, you can not only keep tabs on what they’re...

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Writing the Best Blog for Your Jewelry Store

Even though blogging started picking up steam in the early 2000's, it has shown no signs of stopping or even slowing down. Although we’ve come a long way from the early days of online journals, blogging as a marketing strategy is even more relevant...

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A Comprehensive Ecommerce Guide for Jewelry Stores

With the effects of the COVID19 pandemic still having a ripple effect on traditional jewelry stores, companies are now looking for new ways to accommodate the needs of online shoppers. 

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How to Generate Virtual Appointments for Your Jewelry Store

With COVID restrictions still in place for many cities and states across the country, jewelry stores are feeling the pinch with less foot traffic in their stores. However, just because customers may not be able to visit in person doesn’t mean you’re...

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How to Get More Visibility of Your Jewelry Products with Organic Search Tactics

If your jewelry store website isn’t coming up on the first or second page on Google when someone searches for you or a jewelry store in your area, you might as well not have a website at all. Google is the number one search engine when it comes to...

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How To Get More Visibility of Your Jewelry Products with Pay Per Click

Pay per click marketing, or PPC can be a great way to get more visibility of your jewelry products. Learning the best way to utilize PPC for your digital marketing strategy will benefit your business tremendously. In this blog post we explore the...

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