GemFind: Diamond Search, Web Development, JewelCloud , ring builder, stud builder, pendant builder 2012-04-03

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April 03, 2012


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In This Issue THE DISTILLERY: Rio's reasons Estate Jewelry Highlights Sotheby's New York Sale Jewelry Industry Homicides, Dollar Losses Rise in 2011 Four Ways LinkedIn Can Help Your Business Grow 12 Tips for Earning Media Mentions 3 Easy Steps to SMS Marketing 5 Tips for Successful Jewelry E-Commerce Social Media: The Dark Side Retailers return to Titanic Anne Hathaway: Diamond Celebrity of the Week Variety Hour: The Trendiest Watches of the Season

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April's Fools Day this week and personal income tax day next week - April is both
a fun month and a serious month.  It's fun because its Spring and the weather
is feeling good.  It's serious because Mothers day and the Wedding Season is
only a month away.  And April means time is running out on 2012 -- it's time
to take a serious inventory of your website and online marketing presence to prepare
for Spring and Summer initiatives.  Join us for one of our free webinars Thursday
afternoons to learn more about our programs.  This is week 4 in our ongoing
series and our attendance and content continue to improve.  Learn about custom
and template websites, point-of-sale product integration, social media marketing,
and the future of everything from Facebook to mobile apps to in-stone and online
integration.   Call us at 800.373.4373 to set a private consultation
with one of our experts. 


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THE DISTILLERY: Rio's reasons

Business Spectator            
                 March 28, 2012 


name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2590" style="text-align: left;">

As the commentariat busily mines for insights into Rio Tinto's diamond review,
Matthew Stevens raises a very good question: why now? BHP Billiton has been shopping
around similar assets for months and is yet to find a buyer. Could it be that Rio
has already received some serious interest?
shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); font-style: italic;
text-decoration: underline;">>>> 

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Estate Jewelry Highlights Sotheby's New York Sale

By Jeff Miller style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119);">     
             April 02, 2012   


name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2587" style="text-align: left;">

Sotheby's Magnificent Jewels sale in New York will be held on April 18 and
is distinguished by signed jewels from prominent estate collections, as well as
top quality gemstones. This sale also provides rare pieces from designers of
the 20th century such as Cartier to Belperron and Flato, as well as Art Moderne
jewels. shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); font-style: italic;
text-decoration: underline;">>>> 

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Jewelry Industry Homicides, Dollar Losses Rise in 2011

By Jeff Miller style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119);">       
            Aprin 02, 2012   


name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2588" style="text-align: left;">

The Jewelers Security Alliance (JSA) determined total dollar loss in 2011 from crimes
against the jewelry industry was $85.1 million in the U.S., an increase of
5.3 percent year-on-year.  The total number of crimes reported to the JSA,
however, fell slightly to 1,478 from 1,487 in 2010. href=""
shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119); font-style: italic;
text-decoration: underline;">>>> 

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alt="GemFind Diamond Link" name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.1878">

shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">For more information,
Please click here   800-373-4373  

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Four Ways LinkedIn Can Help Your Business Grow

BY Jason Falls                   
March 30, 2012     

name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2586" style="text-align: left;">

If you joined LinkedIn and filled out your profile thinking it was essentially an
online resume, you're probably missing out on a world of opportunity. And no, we're
not just talking about finding a new job. Sure, LinkedIn's profile features are
essentially the same questions you'd answer on a resume. shape="rect" href=""
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12 Tips for Earning Media Mentions

By Tim Malone              
April 02, 2012     

name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2589" style="text-align: left;">

Has your company gained favorable publicity through promotional efforts other than
paid advertising? Earned media reflects publicity gained through editorial influence.
This is different from social media, which relies on word of mouth publicity.  target="_blank" linktype="1" href=""
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text-decoration: underline;">>>> 

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GemFind's New Ring Builder Increases Retail Jewelry Sales of Diamonds and Engagement
Rings for Jewelry Retailers


The new 2012 version of GemFind's popular Ring Builder® website tool for jewelry
retailers and diamond dealers - has unique new features. The new Ring Builder®
allows users to superimpose loose diamonds on to the ring that they are configuring
online. This fully ecommerce capable web application is a must-have for all jewelry
retailers and it is customizable providing seamless integration into any retail
jeweler's new or existing website.


style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119);"> 


ring builder new name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.1737" src=""
style="text-align: left;">

One of the highlight features of the new Ring Builder is that the consumer,
while shopping on the local retail jeweler's website, can virtually superimpose
any one of 10 different shaped loose diamonds directly onto one of more than 400
prospective engagement ring styles from Unique Settings of New York. After the ring
is virtually configured, the user can then select from tens of thousands of certified
loose diamond being supplied from any number of diamond vendors within
New settings and diamond suppliers will be continually added. linktype="link" shape="rect" href=""
track="on" style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119);">more... 


Call us today at 800-373-4373, for a free consultation and demonstration of GemFind's
customized website tools which are guaranteed to help you grow you business in a
cost effective and consistent manner. 

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3 Easy Steps to SMS Marketing

By Laura Lake
            March 30, 2012

name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2585" style="text-align: left;">SMS marketing is marketing
using a mobile phone. SMS stands for short message server, otherwise known as text
messaging. In short SMS marketing is done using a mobile device to transfer marketing
communication to interested consumers. It's an area that is gaining a great deal
of interest by businesses both small and large. shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119); font-style: italic;
text-decoration: underline;">>>>

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5 Tips for Successful Jewelry

By Randi Molofsky
            March 29, 2012

name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2591" style="text-align: left;">As the former head of merchandising
and marketing for a luxury website, I've faced firsthand the challenges of featuring
and selling fine jewelry online. From photography to descriptions to ease of checkout,
each piece of the puzzle needs to fit together seamlessly for a successful user
transaction. shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); font-style: italic;
text-decoration: underline;">>>>

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Featured GemFind Designer

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name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2580" style="text-align: left;">
Old World
Chain Inc was established in the year 1977. A top class producer and importer of
classic gold jewelry. OWC specializes in the creation of 18 karat gold jewelry with
typically classic designs and patterns. The collection boasts of bracelets, necklaces,
earrings and chains that are further enhanced with diamonds or gemstones.

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Social Media:
The Dark Side

 Rob Bates                     
March 26, 2012       


name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2582" style="text-align: left;">

Last week's post about social media drew some great comments, with most promoting
the good side of social networking for jewelers. To give a fully rounded picture,
I wanted to address some of the pitfalls as well: - The first is something that
is not always talked about, but regrettably remains a big concern for people in
this business: security. shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119); font-style: italic;
text-decoration: underline;">>>> 

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Retailers return to Titanic

By Michelle Graff              
       National Jeweler            
        March 27, 2012    

name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2584" style="text-align: left;">

Count me among the many who will be soaking up all the Titanic lore available over
the next couple of weeks as the 100th anniversary of the luxury liner's fateful
maiden voyage approaches. Much about this tragedy-- one of the deadliest peacetime
accidents in maritime history -- shape="rect" track="on" style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119); font-style: italic;
text-decoration: underline;">>>> 

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alt="Need more traffic to your website?" name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.1876">
Need more traffic to your website?

Getting ranked on the search engines is not
a simple task and you need to be well versed as to how the search engines work and
what to do to make sure your site gets indexed. 

You could have the most beautiful website
with all the products in the world, but if you have limited visitors, its not going
to do any good. 
GemFind performs Search Engine Optimizations
exclusively for the jewelry industry. We have proven track record and can show you
what we have done for other clients. Please contact us if we can help...
Download a free brochure, please
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call us at

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Anne Hathaway: Diamond Celebrity of the Week style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119);">

The Israeli Diamond
                    April 02,


name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2592" style="text-align: left;">

One of Generation Y's most celebrated stars of the silver screen is American actress
Anne Hathaway, was featured in The Princess Diaries, Brokeback Mountain and The
Devil Wears Prada and will play the Catwoman in the next installment of the Batman
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Variety Hour: The Trendiest Watches of the Season
By Victoria Gomelsky 
           March 2012 issue of JCK magazine

name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.2583" style="text-align: left;">

Note the watch on your left. Introduced in January at Geneva's Salon International
de la Haute Horlogerie, the Openworked Extra-Thin Royal Oak Tourbillon in stainless
steel from Audemars Piguet embodies several prevailing trends in the luxury watch
market. track="on" style="color: rgb(153, 153, 119); font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline;">

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