GemFind: Diamond Search, Web Development, JewelCloud , ring builder, stud builder, pendant builder 2011-03-08

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                                                                                                                         March 08, 2011





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GemFind's New Ring Builder Increases Retail Jewelry Sales of Diamonds and Engagement Rings for Jewelry Retailers


The new 2011 version of GemFind's popular Ring Builder® website tool for jewelry retailers and diamond dealers - has unique new features. The new Ring Builder® allows users to superimpose loose diamonds on to the ring that they are configuring online. This fully ecommerce capable web application is a must-have for all jewelry retailers and it is customizable providing seamless integration into any retail jeweler's new or existing website.


Newport Beach, CA (PRWEB) February 24, 2011 GemFind's CEO Alex Fetanat today announced the new version of the company's popular online tool,

Ring Builder -


ring builder new  

for jewelry retailers and diamond dealers is now available. One of the highlight features of the new Ring Builder is that the consumer, while shopping on the local retail jeweler's website, can virtually superimpose any one of 10 different

shaped loose diamonds directly onto one of more than 400 prospective engagement ring styles from Unique Settings of New York. After the ring is virtually configured, the user can then select from tens of thousands of certified loose diamond being supplied from any number of diamond vendors within New settings and diamond suppliers will be continually added. more... 


Call us today at 800-373-4373, for a free consultation and demonstration of GemFind's customized website tools which are guaranteed to help you grow you business in a cost effective and consistent manner. 


Feb. online jewelry sales rise 7.2%

National Jeweler                                            March 07, 2011


A strong Valentine's Day gave online jewelry sales a 7.2 percent boost for the month of February as compared to February 2010, the latest SpendingPulse report from MasterCard Advisors shows.Across all sales platforms, SpendingPulse, a macroeconomic report tracking national retail sales, showed continuing year-over-year sales growth across most product categories in February, >>>







Need more traffic to your website? 

Getting ranked on the search engines is not a simple task and you need to be well versed as to how the search engines work and what to do to make sure your site gets indexed. 
You could have the most beautiful website with all the products in the world, but if you have limited visitors, its not going to do any good.

GemFind performs Search Engine Optimizations exclusively for the jewelry industry. We have proven track record and can show you what we have done for other clients. Please contact us if we can help...

Download a free brochure, please Click here 



call us at 800-373-4373

Diamond Investing Strategies

By Michael Montgomery        INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES           March 04, 2011      


The diamond market has seen a robust recovery since the economic collapse devastated the luxury goods market. Demand is up in western countries and the appetite for diamonds in India and China is showing the highest potential for growth. Prices for both rough and polished stones have been gaining for some time now, and last year China became the world's second largest consumer of diamonds.>>>



Exploitation and responsibility 

By Whitney Sielaff                            NJN                         March 07, 2011 


It wasn't long ago that Americans were exploited by Europe for our rich natural resources. In the heyday of colonialism, it was standard operating procedure for powerful nations to divvy up the world and its spoils, with little interest in the well-being of the peoples they dominated. >>>


Gold price forces change on jewelry design 

By Steven Louie Medill                  nwitimes                           March 06, 2011  


Some jewelry designers are searching for ways to cut back on the use of gold as its price increases again, this time on inflationary worries. Gold traded at $1,434 per troy ounce Wednesday, 26 percent higher than the year-earlier $1,135 per ounce. Designers are feeling significant pressure on their profit margins, and in some cases the price has even guided artistic trends. >>>


For more information, Please click here:      800-373-4373  



Top 10 Internet Marketing Strategies 

By Laura Lake,                                          Guide 


Internet marketing can attract more people to your website, increase customers for your business, and enhance branding of your company and products. If you are just beginning your online marketing strategy the top 10 list below will get you started on a plan that has worked for many. >>>


Marketing Madness  

By Tony Argyle                             JCK                          March 03, 2011                                        


Marketing represents a huge investment for most jewelry stores-in fact, next to wages and rent, it is often a store owner's largest expense. Unfortunately, it doesn't always receive the time or attention it deserves. This month, I identify the eight most common mistakes that retailers make with their marketing. >>>


"Why use GemFind for your online marketing?"
Walter Bauman Jewelers has been very pleased with our relationship with Gemfind. We are delighted with the website that they developed for us. They were very responsive to our deadlines and any issues that we have had. They were also very sensitive to working with the limited time that we were able to devote to we were able  the project. They are skilled and professional. It has been wonderful to work with someone within the industry who knows our questions before we ask them!"

Walter Bauman Jewelers

For more information please
click here or call 800 373 4373


Auction Action - Pink Diamond on Parade 

By Stonechicky             The Israeli Diamond Industry                   March 07, 2011                         


Early assessments say the pink diamond could be knocked down for anywhere from $12 million to $15 million (which would put its per-carat price at $1.19 million-$1.48 million),  but few people in the jewelry or diamond industries would be surprised if the winning bid is even higher. >>>


E-Commerce Growing at a Good Clip, but Many Consumers Still Don't Get It  

By Rob Spiegel                  E-Commerce Times                     Feb. 24, 2011


E-commerce is growing, but it's no longer on fire. Forrester Research released two new forecast reports on Monday. The reports project online retail in the U.S. and Europe will grow at a rate of 10 percent per year from 2010 to 2015. The report expects 2015 online retail to reach US$279 billion in the U.S. and 134 billion euros in Europe. The forecasts are comprised of business-to-consumer sales without travel and financial services. >>>


Become more competitive in a web-driven jewelry marketplace

 - Complete site design and development

  - Unlimited email addresses

 - Unlimited traffic 
 - Diamond database marketing Tool,   

   over 60,000 diamonds linked

 - Virtual Jewelry Link

 - Ring builder integration

 - Membership to       

 - Local consumer referrals

   For more information please click here    or call us at 800-373-4373    


Suncrest: Utah's Diamond Treater

By Rob Bates                                 JCK                             March 04,2011


For the past two days, I've been in beautiful, mountain-studded Orem, Utah, visiting Suncrest Diamonds, which treats diamonds for the trade with HPHT (high pressure, high temperature). HPHT subjects low nitrogen brown type IIa stones to enormous amounts of pressure and heat (as high as 2,600 degrees Celcius), which replicates the forces that produce diamonds in nature. >>>


How would you like a proven way to get new customers in your door at almost no cost?        

By Bill Warren                                      Southern Jewelry News


Sometime ago, I had a competing jewelry store in our town go out of business.  While looking through the Yellow Pages, I noticed that this jewelry store still had listings for the coming year as well as listings on the Internet, other yellow pages, etc.  (Bet you can see where I'm going.) So, I called my local telephone company and inquired if it was possible to purchase this telephone number since the company had gone out of business, and to my surprise... >>>

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