GemFind: Diamond Search, Web Development, JewelCloud , ring builder, stud builder, pendant builder 2011-01-05

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                                                                                                                         January 04, 2011





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 What's new?


Just in case the writing on the wall is not clear enough to is now 2011 and the official numbers are now in ... online watch and jewelry sales are up 11%.  Is it just coincidence on the 11% number? Want to bet next years increase will be 12%.  Please note the key word here is"increase".  Online sales are where it's and for the rest of your career in the jewelry industry. 

If your website is in need of an overhaul or if you do not have one, the goods news is that it is not too late to get in the game... and its easy.  Just call GemFind. We make it easy.

We are in process of amassing the largest inventory of fine jewelry items in the world from over 100 U.S based vendors... Subscribe to our diamond and jewelry links and let vendors manage their virtual inventories right within your web you don't have to.  We provide all ranges of websites specifically catered to the special needs of jewelers.

Think of GemFind's virtual inventory links as the easiest and most cost effective way to drive your customers into your store to see and buy product. And when you are ready to embark into an e-commerce business we make the transition a walk in the park..

Call us for a demo... anytime.800.373.4373




Demand for Gold Jewelry Strong as Price Continues to Rise 

The Israeli Diamond Industry                                     January 03, 2011


The World Gold Council (WGC) says that demand for gold jewelry in on the rise worldwide, despite the metal's continually rising price. In the 12-month period ending in September 2010, global demand for gold jewelry hit a record high of $137.5 billion, the WGC reported. >>>







Need more traffic to your website? 

Getting ranked on the search engines is not a simple task and you need to be well versed as to how the search engines work and what to do to make sure your site gets indexed. 
You could have the most beautiful website with all the products in the world, but if you have limited visitors, its not going to do any good.

GemFind performs Search Engine Optimizations exclusively for the jewelry industry. We have proven track record and can show you what we have done for other clients. Please contact us if we can help...

Download a free brochure, please Click here 



call us at 800-373-4373


SPOTLIGHT: Expectations exceeded for most 

By Catherine Dayrit and Michelle Graff            National Jeweler                Dec.28, 2010


Many retail jewelers entered the holiday selling season with heightened expectations as media outlets reported rising confidence levels and a pickup in consumer spending. Most reported that the season was indeed better than anticipated.This story is the seventh and final installment in a new series, the Exclusive Retail Spotlight. >>>




"Why use GemFind for your online marketing?"
Walter Bauman Jewelers has been very pleased with our relationship with Gemfind. We are delighted with the website that they developed for us. They were very responsive to our deadlines and any issues that we have had. They were also very sensitive to working with the limited time that we were able to devote to we were able  the project. They are skilled and professional. It has been wonderful to work with someone within the industry who knows our questions before we ask them!"

Walter Bauman Jewelers

For more information please
click here or call 800 373 4373


Best 2010 Celebrity Jewelry Trends  
By Carly Wickell,                     Guide

Kate Hudson wore this Cartier white gold and diamond sautoir necklace to the SAG Awards, reversing it to drape along the open back of her Emilio Pucci gown. Hudson's vintage diamond earrings, also by Cartier, are visible in this shot. Together, the earrings and necklace retail for $700,525. >>>


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 - Complete site design and development

  - Unlimited email addresses

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 - Diamond database marketing Tool,   

   over 60,000 diamonds linked

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 - Ring builder integration

 - Membership to       

e='margin-bottom:7.5pt'>  - Local consumer referrals

   For more information please click here    or call us at 800-373-4373    

Holiday Highlights: Retailers Dish on Best-Sellers this Holiday Season

By Jennifer Heebner                                  JCK                       Dec. 30, 2010

"Beads were the most popular, mostly in silver. We sell the Troll beads, and we make make some custom beads. Since we are in a university town-Penn State-we do custom colors to go with the university. The Penn State color is blue; we carry a lot of blue sapphires and do well with those. >>> 


For more information, Please click here:      800-373-4373  


Marketing Intelligence: Chasing rabbits

By Ellen Fruchtman                   National Jeweler          Dec. 28, 2010                    


The new year is just days away. Can you believe it? To be honest, the last two years have felt like a lifetime. More like dog years. Speaking of animals (and in need of a segue), according to the Chinese Zodiac, 2011 happens to be the Year of the Rabbit-a year in which we should feel a sense of calm and peacefulness. >>>



$484,241 'Royal Wedding' Jewelry Set

ByYoree Koh                THE WALL STREET JOURNAL                       Dec. 28,2010

                                                                                                                                                      Even lavish buys can be purse-pinching steals. That is the motto being pushed by Japan's department stores as they roll out previews of luxurious New Year buys, known as fukubukuro, enticing customers with discounted sports cars, jewels, weddings and getaway trips. >>>


Guide to Major Website Mistakes You Should Avoid 
By Daniel Kehrer                                     

This is no time to be a website weakling. Competition for attention online gets tougher by the day, and having a web presence that works for your business during difficult times is vital. Here at, we see thousands of small business sites that aim to generate sales or leads online. >>>


Auction Action: Diamonds Set Record Prices on the Block                                                                          By Roe Kalb        The Israeli Diamond Industry Blog         January 03, 2011


Diamonds figured prominently at auctions in 2010, setting record prices and generally reflecting a renewed eagerness on the part of buyers to get their hands on rare and beautiful items. As reported on the Israel Diamond Portal, a 24.78-carat emerald-cut pink diamond with a color grade of Fancy Intense Pink was knocked down to London jeweler Lawrence Graff for close to $46 million - several million dollars beyond pre-sale estimates. >>>


EPA sets mercury limits for gold mines

National Jeweler                                         Dec. 29, 2010.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set the first national standard to reduce mercury emissions from the country's gold mines, a change one environmental group says is "long overdue." The EPA estimates the new rule will reduce mercury emissions by 1,460 pounds per year, about a 77 percent reduction from 2007 levels. >>>


The Year in Review, the year Ahead    

                      By Paul Holewa                           Jck              December 30, 2010  

Many jewelry retailers would agree that 2010 was the year that marked a slight turn for the bette2011-01-12r. With that said, however, there's a consensus that the luxury industry isn't out of the economic muck quite yet with high unemployment predicted to be the norm for the next several years. Now more than ever, retailers need to pivot faster in response to market changes. >>> 

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