What's New?
Does my website help me get more customers?
Sometimes I am in disbelief when talking to jewelers that still don't have a website or don't see the benefits of having an online presence. For their information, study shows that 82 % of customers search online before walking in to stores. It is very important to have a nice site that represents your company and show cases some of the merchandise you carry. Once you have a website, it is equally important to market it. Unfortunately, the jewelers that still want to do business the old way, will not be around for very long. You have to change with time and the time is now to restructure your business and reinvent your company. Doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. GemFind has created hundreds of sites for the jewelry industry and we know what makes a site successful. Give us a call for a free consultation. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. 800-373-4373.
JCK Retail Report: Davis Jewelers Voted Best Local Jewelry Store
By Jennifer Heebner JCK Online October 12,2009 Last year, Davis Jewelers was happy being the second best local jewelry store in Louisville, Kentucky, according to results of LEO Weekly's Reader's Choice Awards. But for sure, taking first place this year is much sweeter. The store that was founded as a pawn shop of sorts during the Depression was voted the Best Local Jewelry Store this year by readers of LEO Weekly, beating out some 16 others for the title, Ashley Davis, fourth-generation jeweler and director of sales and marketing, recently told JCK. >>>
Study: Small retailers less hopeful about economy
National Jewelers October 12,2009
La New York--Although retail sales rose in September for the first time in 13 months--fueling hope among some observers that the worst is behind big retailers as they head into the holiday season--small retailers are much less hopeful, according to a new study of small businesses released by American Express OPEN. >>>
Is the economic storm over?
By Jane Crossan National Jeweler October 07,2009
For the past six months, we've seen and heard about the recovery of the U.S. market: the DOW has ticked up and the Fed chair has said the recession is "likely over." But ultimately, the consumer will determine when our economy is back on track when you consider that consumer spending accounts for roughly 70 percent of U.S. economic activity. >>>
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Steppin' Out With My Bauble
By Debbie Yonick Colored-Stone.com
When the economy turns down, people look up to Hollywood for escapism. And the 61st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles on September 20th presented Americans with a particularly glamorous retreat from reality when a wide range of gems from emeralds and sapphires to coral and quartz captured red carpet attention as frequent walk-ons.>>>
Pink Diamond Ring - The Ultimate Symbol Of Femininity, Love And Grace
By: Author: Fred Community Articles October11, 2009
Pink diamond ring is one of the most expensive of all gemstones and one of the most sought after jewelry. It is a womans ultimate dream to be adorned with pink diamonds to accentuate her beauty and femininity. Pink diamond ring is a unique and beautiful alternative to a traditional white diamond. Pink diamonds are one of the rarest gemstones, thus, making this gemstone very precious indeed. >>>
Protecting Your Identity From Social Networking Shysters
By Thomas Oscherwitz E-Commerce Times 10/12/09
In the 1930s, bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, to which he famously replied, "Because that's where the money is." Increasingly, fraudsters are targeting social networking because they can convert the i nformation disclosed on social networking sites into cash. >>>
Birmingham, Ala.--The adage "finders keepers, losers weepers" evokes memories of grade school, when many a misplaced toy wound up repossessed after falling subject to this widely accepted--if unwritten--rule. This childhood chant has taken on new meaning, however, for a handful of retailers who have taken to hiding pieces of jewelry all over town for finders to keep--with no strings and, fortunately, no weeping losers attached. >>>
Why are jewelers hiding jewelry?
By Michelle Graff National Jeweler October 07. 2009
In only a few centuries, South Africa has become a near synonym for diamonds ever since the discovery of diamonds at the Kimberly Mine in 1871. The discovery would change the face of the nation forever. Diamond mines in South Africa have proven to be a continuing source of controversy, from the Second Boer War in 1899-1902 to the everyday conflict that exists till this very day.>>>
South Africa: History of Diamonds
rong>By Roe Kalb The Israeli Diamond Industry Blog October 12, 09
Jewelry Online Tool Kit
Let your customers design their own rings
Most businesses experience swings in income. For some enterprises, such as those that sell holiday products or rely on seasonal tourist traffic, the fluctuations can be wild. Although you may be more worried about surviving the low periods when sales sink, the busy times can prove to be just as much of a threat to your business. >>>
Guide to Coping with Seasonal Sales Swings
By Carol Smalley, Business.com
Are You Practicing Proper Social Networking Etiquette?
Forbes.com October 09,2009
After a long day at the office, imagine logging onto Facebook to see what your friends have been up to, only to have your boss or colleague message you about an urgent work matter. Aside from the fact that you are officially off duty, is it appropriate for your coworker to reach out to you through a social networking forum? >>>
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