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Small-biz owners struggle to stay upbeat
National Jeweler September 04, 2009
Amid all the attention in the past year to mega-corporations deemed "too big to fail," it has been easy to overlook the travails of small-business owners. Surveys typically show entrepreneurs to be a confident bunch, but are their spirits holding up as the recession drags on? >>>
Must retailers heed manufacturer's 'suggested' retail prices?
By Suzan R. Flamm, Esq. National Jeweler September 03, 2009 The Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC) recently became aware of a stalemate between a jewelry manufacturer and a retailer involving the manufacturer's suggested retail prices, or MSRPs. The retailer, after finding it difficult to sell the manufacturer's high-end products because of the accompanying high prices, decided to no longer carry the line and to discount those pieces still in its inventory to attract buyers and make room for different styles.>>>
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RPR Public Relations, Inc. is a full-service boutique PR agency with extensive experience handling PR and marketing on a per project basis for companies of all sizes in the jewelry industry. RPR will stay within your budget and deliver only the highest quality marketing/PR materials reflecting your company's unique brand. Contact them today for a free quote or consultation at email: rromano@romanopr.com or call 786-290-6413. For more information visit them on the web at
Use a Consistent Pricing Strategy Jewelers of America Tips to Thrive August 28, 2009
While there are plenty of practical reasons people buy things, the emotional component is the every constant "x" factor. That's why your pricing strategy is critical to your success, as it sends subtle messages and psychology to reach potential customers. Consider the time-tested price strategies, reviewed by Ivana Taylor at Small Business Trends, as you are creating your price points: >>>
History of Diamonds - United States
By Roe Kalb Israeli Diamond Institute Blog Sept 03,2009
The United States isn't just the world's most powerful economy, it is also the world's largest consumer of diamonds: some 50% of the world's diamonds are traded in the United States. That's quite a lot for a nation with almost no viable diamond resources of its own.>>>
Do U 'C' What I 'C'?
By Raja Shah Colored -Stone
The C1-to-7 color grading system developed for champagne diamonds works equally well with zircons and any other colored stone known for champagne colors and earth tones.
I have long maintained that many colored stone species with large arrays of color lend themselves to color communication systems as readily as colored diamonds.
How to make social networking work for you
By Michelle Graff National Jeweler September 04, 2009
Each day, millions of Americans turn on their computers for an instant update on everything that matters, from stock prices and business news to pictures of last night's party posted on social-networking site Facebook. >>>
The History of the Diamond Trade
By Joshua Ritchie mint.com September 02,2009
Most historians now believe organized trade of diamonds dates back about 1,000 years, to India, which possessed the entire world's known supply until early in the eighteenth century. Traditionally, diamonds would be transported across Arabia and traded to Jewish merchants, who, in turn, resold the diamonds in major European cities of the time such as Frankfurt and Venice.>>>
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Jewelry Online Tool Kit
Let your customers design their own rings
Buying Internet Media: Quick advantages, disadvantages & tips
When it comes to the Internet, the more you can make your presence known, the better. One recent stat I read yesterday (from yellowpages.com) said that people forget your message by 50% one day after they see it, and 90% three days later. Ouch. When thinking about buying ad space online, here are some things to consider:>>>
By Suze Bragg Expert Business Source September 4, 2009
The psychology of diamond marketing
By Jhannet Marantonio Examiner.com September 6, 2009
DeBeers along with its participating sightholders in the Diamond Trading Co (DTC) have revealed their new collection targeted for holiday shoppers. Called the "Everlon Diamond Knot Collection" - it is based on the Hercules knot, an ancient symbol of strength, with the diamond at the center. >>> |
Bonhams to auction phenomenal cat's eye
National Jeweler September 03, 2009
International auctioneers Bonhams and Butterfields have got the cat's meow: an unusually large and sought-after cat's eye chrysoberyl ring that is the highlight of its winter "Natural History" auction.The Dec. 6 sale in Los Angeles will feature a diverse group of high-quality and distinctive mineral specimens, exceptional fossils, gold nuggets, lapidary works of art and jewelry, including a selection of "phenomenal" gems.
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