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On the economic downturn, what's important is for you to source your supply from different vendors. Since you have to provide better prices to your customers in the recession times, you also have to be able to make sure you are getting a good price from your vendors. If you want to find out you are getting a good value on a diamond, jewelry or color stones, use GemFind.net. It's the best source to see what's available in the market and expand your search. To search on line, please visit: http://www.gemfind.net To join, call 800-373-4373 and mention this article and get 30% off your first year subscription. *New Members and for limited time only.
What recession? Hollywood piles on diamonds
By Catherine Dayrit National Jeweler April13.2009 Los Angeles--As millions of Americans struggle to pay their monthly bills, the word on Main Street is that this is no time for the affluent to be showing off with flashy cars and lavish jewels. But over in Hollywood, the show does goes on, with the biggest stars of movie and TV dressing up in diamonds and gemstones for the winter awards season, thus providing that window into the glamorous life the public so craves.>>>
13% Drop in Q2 Retail Foot Traffic Predicted
Jewelers Circular Keystone, 4/10/2009
Total U.S. foot traffic for the second quarter is expected to decline by 13 percent, according to retail intelligence firm ShopperTrak. In addition, the Chicago-based company estimates that sales for the period will drop 2.4 percent. The current economy continues to heavily influence consumer shopping behavior as household wealth shrinks, job losses rise, and confidence remains at near record lows, the company said Friday.
Prices, economy, to drain gold jewelry demand
National Jeweler April 09.2009
London--Historically high gold prices and increased volatility in the market coupled with the economic downturn will have a dramatic impact on global gold jewelry demand in 2009, according to the latest Gold Survey from precious-metals consultancy GFMS Ltd. According to the report, the average gold price increased from $695.39 per ounce in 2007 and $871.96 per ounce in 2008 to $908.41 per ounce in the first quarter of 2009.>>>

Study Indicates that Entrepreneurs See Recession as an Opportunity
By: Rachel Lieberman, Israel Diamond Industry April12.2009
According to Engineering News, a new survey conducted among nearly 200 leading entrepreneurs in Europe, the Middle East and Africa has revealed that they are relatively optimistic about business opportunities despite the global slowdown.The study, which was conducted by the Ernst & Young business advisory firm, showed that leading entrepreneurs are already looking beyond the current crisis and considering future opportunities.>>>
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Golden Fables
By Daniel Kehrer JEWELRY.COM April 08,2009
 No other metal or gem has a history that even comes near to the myths, legends, facts and fiction that surround gold. From the earliest symbol of idolatry to a mythical city built from the glittering material, there's nothing that can arouse as much debate as gold's golden history. Some think it's garish, others great. Some think it's good, others believe it's evil. Some say it's a symbol of wealth, others a sign of wickedness. But
Creating a Newspaper Advertisement
By Shari Waters, About.com
 As a retailer, you have so many responsibilities to manage that I suggest using a professional to create your newspaper ad. You can find freelance copywriters, graphic design students or advertising agencies to assist you in creating an ad. Fees will vary and so will talent.
Colored Stone's First Mystery Gem
This is not a contest. Or, if it is, the winning prize of this guessing game-the first in Colored Stone history-is simply the privilege of having seen such a magnificent rarity. Here are some clues as to this 2.15-carat bi-colored shield cut's identity. First of all, it isn't a tourmaline. It is believed to have been mined in Zimbabwe. It is valued, for insurance purposes, at $3 million-although it isn't for sale.>>>
A Message to Salespeople!
By Brad Huisken Expert Business Source April10.2009
As a salesperson you are on the front line. You are the one that can make or break a business. The reason is that you are the first and in many cases the only person that the customer has any contact with from your company. You are the first and last impression that the customer has. I have talked many times about the real goal of a sales presentation that is to: >>>
The "Sunshine Strategy" Colored-Stone.com
It's easy to have good times when times are good. The great secret of business life is to have good times when they are bad. And that's the key to the tremendous success jeweler Vince Gulino is enjoying in his Tubac, Arizona, store: giving customers good times during hard ones. Gulino calls his business plan the "sunshine strategy." Here's how it works.>>>
Survivor: E-retail
By Don Davis InternetRetailer.com April 2009
While buffeted themselves by the economic turbulence, online retailers have been spared the battering of their main competition: bricks-and-mortar stores. E-retailers are finding ways to turn the gaps left by store closings to their advantage. >>>
Innovation in a World of E-Commerce Woe
E-Commerce Time By Walaika Haskins 04/08/09
Lean times are here again for online businesses, but the Web has changed considerably since the bubble popped nearly a decade ago. Just like before, survival will depend on fresh ideas and the courage to put money behind them. In fact, today's problems may wind up forging tomorrow's cash cows, inspiring new ways to advertise, monetize and search.>>>
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