Antwerp to have top presence at Hong Kong show
National Jeweler Aug. 29, 2008
 A total of 73 Antwerp diamond companies will exhibit at the upcoming Hong Kong Jewellery and Watch Fair, one of the world's largest jewelry and watch shows.
According to a press release from the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC), the companies will be housed in the Antwerp Diamond Pavilions, located at the HKCEC in the Expo Drive Hall and at the AsiaWorldExpo, in Halls 5 and 9. The opening ceremony of the show will mark the launch of the HRD Awards 2009 design competition for diamond jewelry, which is held every two years and sponsored by the AWDC.
What's the Value of Hedge Funds?
Private equity funds have taken a lot of interest in the jewelry industry lately, but they don't play by the industry's rules. By Rob Bates, Senior Editor -- JCK 9/01/2008
Bankruptcies are never pleasant, but Whitehall's creditors got a particularly unpleasant surprise at the company's first bankruptcy hearing. According to witnesses and court documents, company attorneys say they can claim ownership of consignment goods unless the goods' UCC filings are "perfected." Among the issues: Whether the UCC filings used the exact name of the chain (spelling of the company name switched from "Whitehall Jewelers" to "Whitehall Jewellers") and the proper location (which had switched from Chicago to Delaware). If they didn't, the UCCs are not "perfected," the lawyers claimed.>>>
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Know - How How do you help men who lack the gift-giving gene?
By Dale Perelman National Jeweler Aug 29, 2008
Gift-giving is not a science-it's an art. Unfortunately, we males seem genetically incapable of properly giving gifts. My life might center on golf or the latest technology, while my wife is more into "Let's talk"-which usually means I'd better listen-to what Oprah says or "How do I look?" Even I know the answer to that one. The mumbled or fumbled "Here, this is for you" handoff just won't make it in the world of women, where love and emotion are paramount. To offer a gift properly, the male must put aside his virility and find his feminine side. >>>
Tips: Truly Distinguish Service
Jewelers of America Aug.28,2008
 "Remember: Clients can demand and receive better service than ever before because there are so many stores competing for their business. You have to work harder than everyone else to become -- and remain -- the jeweler of choice," she writes. Some simple tips you can do today to thrive with customer service:
Be welcoming: Greet every client that enters your store.
Offer comfort and convenience: Have cozy seating for clients, as well as accompanying family and friends. Also have a play area for kids, so parents can shop without distractions.
Argyle Pink Diamonds on World Tour
Jewelers Circular Keystone, 8/26/2008 August 26, 2008
The 24th annual Rio Tinto Argyle Pink Diamond Tender, called the world's most exclusive diamond sale, is being held in major cities around the world. The first tender was held in Perth. Sales will be held in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Tokyo during the month of September and in Sydney in October. The tender will feature 65 of the world's rarest pink diamonds from the Argyle mine in Australia. With Argyle mine supply currently predicted to run out by 2018, the rarity and exclusivity of these treasures has enhanced their image as both a key investment option and a must-have. >>>
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Broad Definition of Platinum Opposed by US Jewelers Rachel Lieberman, August 28, 2008
The US Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) proposal to broaden the definition of the word "platinum" to include an alloy combining platinum with base metals has been shot down by a number of jewelry organizations who believe that the redefinition will only confuse jewelry buyers. Mineweb reports that the agency proposed that the Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals and Pewter Industries allow the use of the word "platinum" to describe an alloy of at least 500 parts per thousand (ppt) platinum alloyed with base metals. The FTC Platinum Guide was last revised in 1997.>>>
Consumer Confidence Index up 5 points
JCK-Jewelers Circular Keystone, 8/28/2008
The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had improved moderately in July, made further gains in August. The Index now stands at 56.9 (1985=100), up from 51.9 in July. The Present Situation Index decreased to 63.2 from 65.8 last month. The Expectations Index, however, increased to 52.8 from 42.7 in July. "Consumer confidence readings suggest that the economy remains stuck in neutral, but may be showing signs of improvement by early next year," said Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center. >>>
A Diamond and a Rough Jeweler
By Ryan Fuhrmann, CFA. August 29, 2008
 If you guessed that Tiffany is the sparkling gem in this scenario, you probably know that items wrapped in its little blue boxes have become some of the jewelry industry's most recognized gifts.Tiffany's overall upscale appeal is currently sweeping across the globe, which helped the company post an 11% increase in second-quarter sales. Revenue jumped 17% in the Asia Pacific region, and an even stronger 35% in Europe.
Jewelers look abroad to boost sales as U.S. slows
Betsy Vereckey · The Associated Press · August 29, 2008
NEW YORK - Rising sales in Asia and Europe boosted Tiffany & Co.'s second-quarter profit on Thursday, signaling that strong international demand for jewelry is helping offset U.S. economic weakness. Fellow jeweler Zale Corp. posted a loss for its fiscal fourth quarter but forecast 2009 profit above Wall Street expectations and noted significant growth opportunities in Canada. The softening domestic economy, which has crimped discretionary spending for many Americans, has jewelers focusing on international efforts to offset sluggish sales in the U.S.>>>
Finding Four Types of Challenges & Barriers in the Retail Operation By Barbara Farfan About.com
1. Identifying Physical Challenges & Barriers to Employee Excellence Employees in every position of the retail operation need physical tools to do their job well. Ladders, mops, brooms, pens, pencils (with erasers), rubber bands, forms, ink, computer paper, receipt paper, and toilet paper are examples. When physical supplies are missing or not easily accessible to the employees who need them, it creates hassles, time delays, and substandard execution with tasks. >>>
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