GemFind: Diamond Search, Web Development, JewelCloud , ring builder, stud builder, pendant builder 2008-02-12

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GEMFIND.NET        GF Weekly Newsletter
                                                                                                                  February 12 , 2008

In This Issue
Retail hit hard in January
Metal's rise affects jewelry, starts mining talk
Tucson Gem Show - Not Such a Gem
Rare South Sea pearls command a high price
Vegas Jewelry Center Clears Another Hurdle
As gold prices rise, say 'I love you' with other metals
In The Diamond Industry, "Bigger" Does Not Mean "Better
Gemstone Treatments Becoming more Sophisticated


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What's New?  

As you read on in this newsletter and elsewhere, you see the retail sales has hit hard in January, but you also see that the online sellers have not been hurt and in fact Blue Nile has just announced expansion in Europe. Year after year, the online stores have shown increase in sales and revenue while retail stores sales have significantly declined. The independent jewelry stores can't compete with online sellers on their own. The only way we can compete is to be united and form a consortium and then we will have a chance. It's hard for one independent store to spend $100,000 a month, but with few hundred retailers spending few hundred a month, we can easily spend that kind of money in advertising and marketing. If you are interested in joining us in this venture and compete with online sellers and capture some market share, then contact us and let us show you how this can be achieved.


Top Stories  

Retail hit hard in January 
National Jeweler, February 08, 2008

U.S. chain stores reported their slowest January since 1970, with same-store sales increasing just 0.5 percent compared with the same period last year, according to the latest study by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). >>>

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Metal's rise affects jewelry, starts mining talk

By JOHN HOLLAND February 10, 2008   

Got a sack of gold pieces under the mattress? You're in luck. You can sell them for a high price these days.Got a sweetheart you'd like to marry? You might pay more than you planned for a gold engagement ring. >>>

Tucson Gem Show - Not Such a Gem  
by Jewelry News, February 09, 2008 

We came upon a vendor offering what he called (and advertised as) re-crystallized Tanzanite and Emeralds. The vendor was from Japan and stated that this new process was basically taking the leftovers of Tanzanite cuttings and then through a proprietary process, taking those shavings and creating a NEW tanzanite under thermal (heated) pressure. He stated that they did the same with emerald shavings. >>>

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Know - How
Rare South Sea pearls command a high price


photo Rare South Sea chocolate pearls, harvested in the waters between the north coast of Australia and the south coast of China, are the latest rage in necklaces, pendants, earrings and rings. With their unusual copper, bronze or rust color and strong iridescent overtones, they command some of the highest prices of all pearl varieties. >>>

Vegas Jewelry Center Clears Another Hurdle  
By Tonie Auer  Feb 7, 2008

Another hurdle was cleared yesterday for the World Jewelry Center in Las Vegas, with the Las Vegas City Council unanimously approving the Site Development Plan and Special Use Permit for the project. The approvals allow the developer, Probity International Corporation, all the entitlements necessary to proceed with the project. >>>

As gold prices rise, say 'I love you' with other metals

By Ray A. Smith, Wall Street Journal Feb. 8, 2008 

This Valentine's Day, jewelers are latching onto a new strategy: selling less gold.

With prices for the precious metal having jumped more than 40 percent since mid-August to a record $900-plus an ounce, some jewelry stores around the country are stocking up on styles that use gold sparingly to hold down prices. >>>


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In The Diamond Industry, "Bigger" Does Not Mean "Better".

Judah Gutwein on February 7, 2008  

The recent chapter 11 filings of previously large diamond and jewelry retailers Fortunoff , Derco, Fabrikant, Omega Jewelers, Friedmans Jewelers, etc. raises an interesting point.
There is a perception in many industries and markets that the bigger a retailer is, the more "established", "reputable", "secure", etc. they must be. >>>

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By CHAIM EVEN-ZOHAR February 7, 2008

Diamond producers communicate in various ways to the market that we are heading toward serious rough supply shortages and, consequently, rough prices must go up. Many traders are purchasing rough today at above-market prices that, they hope, will reflect the reality of tomorrow. In a way, they are buying futures and betting on the market trend. The arithmetic seems so simple: if there are going to be rough supply shortages, prices must go up. >>>

Gemstone Treatments Becoming more Sophisticated and Harder to Detect.

By Barry Gutwein on February 7, 2008

Ruby%20Gemstone.jpgThat was the theme of a morning session of the Accredited Gemologists Association (AGA) meeting in Tucson, Arizona where gemologists and appraisers are meeting this week to discuss and share information on the latest gemstone treatments and detection methods that can be used to identify stones that have undergone the latest treatments. >>>

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