GemFind: Diamond Search, Web Development, JewelCloud , ring builder, stud builder, pendant builder 2007-05-15

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Are you interested in selling your product online without having a shopping cart or website?

Well, GemFind is launching a new website which will be showcased at the JCK show Las Vegas, which will assist jewelry retailers, diamond wholesalers and jewelry manufacturers to sell their merchandise all under one domain name This is a unique opportunity if you like to have some online market share.

If you are interested in finding out more about this, please contact Gemfind at 800-373-4373 or view more info at

Visit GemFind at the JCK Show
Las Vegas

Equipment, Technology & Services Pavilion

Booth 61401



Report: Online sales to grow 18 percent this year
May 14, 2007 - National Jeweler

Washington, D.C.—Non-travel online sales could reach $259.1 billion in 2007, an 18 percent increase over last year, according to a new report by Forrester Research for More

Loyalty programs double 'Young Affluent' spending
May 14, 2007 - National Jeweler

Stevens, Pa.—Luxury consumers under 40 who belong to loyalty programs spend twice as much on luxury goods as non-members in the same age group, according to Unity Marketing. More

Study Shows Online Apparel Sales Growing
By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO- The Associated Press - Monday, May 14, 2007; 7:52 AM

NEW YORK -- Online shoppers _ wooed by new sites like Gap Inc.'s shoe site, enhanced merchandise images and such come-ons as free shipping _ spent more on clothing and accessories than on computers for the first time ever, according to an annual industry study released Monday.More

Jewelry Industry Statistics:

Jewelry Stores Overview: Industry Center - Financial data, performance and profile information for the Jewelry Stores. More GF Jewelry Link - can now offer you the link to add finished Jewelry to your existing website. We can link the finished jewelry from different manufacturers with your own mark-up capabilities to your website.

You now have an online catalogue of finished jewelry from different manufacturers where you can showcase as your own virtual inventory with your own prices. You will instantly have millions of dollars worth of finished jewelry linked to your website where you can showcase to your retail customers or sell online. You may also choose the jewelry manufacturer whom you wish to work with, or choose the entire database, with your own complete mark-up capabilities.

Jewelry Manufacturers: Link your finished Jewelry to your existing clients and new prospects.

Retail Jewelers: Link millions of dollars worth of finished jewelry directly to your webs site with your own custom mark-up capabilities.

If you have any questions, contact GemFind at 1.800.373.4373.

Get More Referrals by Asking
Build asking for referrals into your daily activities and see the results.
By Ray Silverstein | April 27, 2007 -

Ah, referrals. I can't think of a more powerful selling tool.

It's a fact: People would rather do business with people they know--or know of--than with strangers. When you're introduced to a prospect through a personal recommendation, that prospect has a vastly higher comfort level than, say, a buyer you find through cold calling. After all, few things are more reassuring than a positive endorsement from someone you know and trust. More

Send me your comments and questions.

Platinum Jewelry Demand Declined 18% in 2006
Palladium Jewelry Demand Fell 30%

Anthony DeMarco, JCK Senior Editor -- JCK-Jewelers Circular Keystone, 5/14/2007 10:26:00 AM

A dramatic increase in the amount of recycled platinum being used for jewelry along with high prices led to an 18 percent decline in worldwide demand for newly mined platinum in 2006, according to Johnson Matthey's annual report on platinum group metals. The decline occurred in all regions. More

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JSA issues burglary warning to Texas jewelers
May 11, 2007 - National Jeweler

The Jewelers' Security Alliance (JSA) has received 21 reports of burglaries or attempted burglaries in Texas since the start of the year, twice as many reports as usual.

The burglaries have occurred in the Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio and Waco areas, according to a warning issued by the JSA.More

JSA's Most Wanted

To Buy, Or Not To Buy?
Calculating ROI for Tool and Equipment Purchases

By Gerry Davies, April 2007 -

A few years ago, designer Michael Bondanza bought a laser welder for his New York City jewelry workshop. On several levels, the acquisition made sense. It was high-tech. It was a new tool sweeping through the industry. And, perhaps most important, his workers really wanted it. More


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