GemFind: Diamond Search, Web Development, JewelCloud , ring builder, stud builder, pendant builder 2006-10-17

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

If you're wondering why this has arrived in your mailbox a little later than normal, allow me to explain.

I have been without electricity since October 12th. Did you hear about the surprise storm that hit Buffalo, NY? Well. That's where I am. Right now, I am writing this from a Starbucks. It wasn't the snow that actually caused the damage, buth rather the fact that the leaves on the trees had not yet fallen so the weight of the heavy slushy snow pulled on the branches and caused havoc on the community. More than 350,000 people were out of power. It's been a challenge. My home is in a beautiful neighborhood with loads of well-established trees - like a park - are no longer. It's so sad how quickly things can change.

Business owners are struggling. This unexpected storm will be felt for a while. Whether it's becasue of damage to a business or the time closed. Now is the time to think out of the box. Catch the wave of the challenge and ride it to later success.



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Swarovski acquires all of Signity
National Jeweler

OCTOBER 12, 2006 - Horgen, Switzerland -- Swarovski has purchased all of Golay's shares in Signity, the joint venture created by the two companies in 1999 to sell, distribute and market precision-cut genuine and created gemstones. More


Business as usual in Thailand
Gary Roskin and Anthony DeMarco, JCK Senior Editors - JCK-Jewelers Circular Keystone -- 9/21/2006 9:46:00 AM
The Tuesday night coup in Thailand has had little to no effect on the gem industry in the Southeast Asian country, several persons told JCK Thursday.
"All is well in Bangkok," said Randy Park, director of GIA Thailand. "Coups are common place here, although this is the first in about 15 years. This one was very peaceful."

Jewelry Industry Statistics:

Jewelry Stores Overview: Industry Center - Financial data, performance and profile information for the Jewelry Stores. More

Learn more about GemFind Network Services including:

GF Search - Search through over 63500 diamonds from dealer's throughout the country!

GF Forum & Marketplace - Buy and Sell diamonds, watches, gems, and jewelry in our innovative, easy-to-use industry marketplace.

"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">• GF Index - The most accurate diamond appraisal system. Exclusive to GemFind members.

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GF Jewelry LINK - Add our jewelry search technology to your existing website instantly. Sell finished jewelry from different manufacturers with your own mark-up online with our GF Jewelry LINK ecommerce system. More info

GF Ring Builder - Add our Macromedia Flash diamond ring designer to your existing website instantly. Let your customer build their engagement and wedding rings online using real settings you choose and diamonds linked right to your online GF LINK diamond inventory!

GF Gift Registry - Set up your own privately branded bridal registry or even a full blown gift registry online. Add a registry into your website and not only keep your customers coming back, but introduce your customers' gift-giving friends to your website when they visit the registry.

US Diamond Search - An internet website where consumers can search for diamonds online and are able to see the diamond in their local jewelry store (a USDS affiliate) before they purchase.

Internet Development & Advertising - Let GemFind put your business online the right way. Have an existing website? Let GemFind help you promote it to the world.

To learn more about Gemfind and to view samples, click here or call 800-373-4373. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

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Jewelry purchases may face stiff competition this holiday season
JCK-Jewelers Circular Keystone -- 10/11/2006 12:31:00 PM

Half of consumers who responded to a recent Internet survey said they plan to spend up to $300 on entertaining this holiday season, with another quarter expecting to dole out $1,000 or more on Christmas cheer. More then a quarter of respondents plan to travel for the holidays, while another quarter is looking to make home improvements, with 66 percent planning to spend more than $500. These purchases are competing for holiday discretionary dollars that could be going to fine jewelry and watch gifts. More

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WDC supports U.N. proposal to improve diamond-trade security

OCTOBER 13, 2006 - New York -- In the wake of this week's report from the United Nations (U.N.) on the possible threat to diamond control systems between the Ivory Coast and Ghana, the World Diamond Council (WDC) continued to stress vigilance.More




JSA's Most Wanted

Modern Lockets
A sentimental favorite of proud mothers of all generations, these lovely lockets can be petite and traditional or modernly bold.
by Nanz Aalund, June 2006 - Ganoskin

Before photography, lockets were decorated with miniature, handpainted portraits -- a luxury few could afford. The advent of affordable photographic miniatures propelled the locket to the forefront of jewelry fashion during the sentimental Victorian era. Between 1890 and 1920, ornately crafted lockets were suspended from bracelets, necklaces, brooches, belts, and chatelaines. Ladies of fashion were not seen without one, and men wore them on their watch chains. During World War I, many soldiers wore lockets into battle as a reminder of loved ones at home.More


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