Digital Marketing In the Jewelry Industry

Keyword Clustering: Growing your Organic Traffic

Written by GemFind | Dec 24, 2018 5:38:43 PM



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a must for any business that wants their name to be found online at all. But SEO is not actually straightforward. While single keywords have been the SEO staple for many years, the internet has continued to grow and evolve, becoming more complex.

In order to bring more traffic to your business’s website, you need to know how to not only reach your customers, but use keyword clustering to do so. This is what you need to know.

What is Keyword Clustering?

To begin with, let’s take a look at what keyword clustering means. Keywords are the common terms that people will plug into search engines to find something they are looking for. Keyword clusters means taking relevant keywords and placing, or “clustering” them together into groups. The groups work off of a categorized theme.

This is a great way for Google to list your website in search results closer to the first page than they might have if you only used single keywords. Read ‘How a Good Jewelry Search Ranking Can Affect Your Business’ to understand the impact of good SEO.

Why Use Them?

A single webpage can show up in the search results for many different keywords. Clusters, on the other hand, are more specific. When a customer types in something into a search engine, it is unlikely he or she is using a single word. Instead, he or she would be likely to use and entire phrase, such as “best jewelry stores near me.” Our blog post, ‘How to Rank in” Jewelry Stores near me” Searches’ goes into a little more depth on the topic.

When a long-tailed keyword is typed in Google goes out and pulls all of the results that contain those words while still using an algorithm to know what the specific searcher is looking for. As a result, your website could appear in search results it might have never been able to otherwise.

Types of Clusters

There are two major types of keyword clusters: soft and hard. Soft clusters use the most popular keywords, and hard clusters choose the keywords with the highest search volume. The clustering tool will scan through keywords, picking the one with the biggest search volume, compare it to the search results while comparing it with other matching URLs. When there are detected pairs, your results will appear higher in the search results.

Getting Started

To get started with keyword clustering, contact the digital marketing reps at GemFind. Out experienced team will be able to help guide you through the process while crafting a website that works not just for your business, but for the customers out there trying to find you.



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