Digital Marketing In the Jewelry Industry

5 Ways to Make Your Website More Trustworthy

Written by GemFind | Mar 15, 2018 4:55:00 PM

Now that your website has an excellent user experience, it’s time to focus on what you tell your visitors. What your website says can make or break a sale from potential customers; however, showing how trustworthy your business is can help you close the sale. Check out these 5 recommendations to get started.

1) Use original images

Using original images of your jewelry products and store, as opposed to stock images, can make your website feel more authentic and trustworthy. While it’s perfectly acceptable to use stock images on your website, using original images that actually feature your products can gain the trust of potential customers. Furthermore, don't be afraid to post pictures of your employees and important events related to your business. It can help your website feel more authentic and friendly, and therefore, instill trust in those visiting your site.

2) Testimonials

Honest testimonials, especially when backed up with examples of success, are a great way to showcase your brand and help show the trustworthiness of your brand.

When possible, it’s ideal to feature a photo of the person next to their testimonial to solidify trustworthiness from the source.

3) Create helpful content resources

Offering content resources can convince potential customers to purchase jewelry from you, whether online or in-store. By positioning your business as an expert in the jewelry industry with the latest news, trends, and products, you’re telling web visitors that you are a trusted source in the industry.

Your blog is a great tool to feature buyer guides, tips and tricks, helpful hints, trends, and more, and ultimately establish your jewelry business as a trusted source. 

4) Include microcopy that sets expectations intuitively

Using intuitive navigation and clear labeling on navigation tabs, links, and CTA buttons can instill a sense of security with your web visitors. For example, what can someone expect if they subscribe to your email list? 

When words are constantly followed up with action, visitors begin to trust your word. This also translates onto social media, blog posts, and emails, where you can further demonstrate to customers that they can trust your business to help them find what they're looking for at your store. 

5) Focus on the customer

Copy on your website should focus on the reader, your potential customer. By using copy that is reader-focused you can help them relate to what you’re saying and make them more receptive to your message.

This doesn’t mean every sentence has to say “you” and try to draw in the reader, especially since forcing the reader into your message can have the opposite effect and make your website appear too sales-focused. Finding a natural balance, as if you were having a conversation, is the best option.


Creating a website that is sleek, represents your business, and effectively captures the attention of customers is a great way to garner new online customers and help increase brand awareness. GemFind has nearly 20 years of experience in building captivating websites to help businesses in the jewelry industry succeed. Contact us today and let our experts guide you to build more trust online and increase your sales.