Your Quick Guide to Twitter for Jewelers

Written by Alex | March 11, 2015

Fast and forgiving, Twitter can be a great way for jewelers to connect with their customers and communities in 140 characters or less. With about half of all Twitter users under age 35, Twitter reaches a younger market than other networks. Whether you set up an account a decade ago or are ready to start fresh, we're sharing a quick guide to Twitter for businesses.

Jewelry Designer Jeffrey Daniels Unique Designs on Twitter>


Here's what you need to know:

1. Brand your profile design.
Let visitors to your page know what you are all about quickly with a branded cover photo, profile image and fresh bio. Make sure your location is visible in your bio for local traffic, too.

2. Tweet often.
Unlike Facebook, more content performs better on Twitter. Twitter feeds content in the order it comes in, so a single tweet is out of a user's sight in seconds. Aim for 1-10 tweets per day and avoid spamming.

3. Mix up your content.
If customers want self-promotion and only that, they'll head to your website. Make and build relationships on Twitter by sharing content you'd want in your feed: gorgeous jewelry images (with a link on where to get it), relevant news, trends and lifestyle tips. Watch to see what your audience responds to.

4. Tweet, hashtag and retweet.
Tweets with 1-3 hashtags – words or phrases prefixed with a "#" sign- perform well. Spend a few minutes searching hashtags relevant to you to know what to use when you tweet. Keep hashtags relevant and hop on trending hashtags when appropriate. Tthe "@" sign followed by a username is used for mentioning or replying to other users. To repost a message from another Twitter user and share it with your own followers, click the retweet (RT) button within the tweet.

5. Engage locally.
If you are a local jeweler, engage with pages near you: city magazines, wedding vendors, photographers, bloggers and more. Follow them and be sure to RT and reply to their content.

6. Grow your page.
There are many ways to authentically and easily grow your Twitter follower base. Add a follow button to your website, include it in your in-store marketing materials, add it to your email signature and consider Twitter Ads.


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