Why Nobody Follows You on Twitter (and how to change that)

Written by Alex | October 2, 2013

Twitter is about more than crafting the perfect message in 140 characters or less.  This social media mega-player offers fast opportunities for conversation, branding and discovering.

Mashable posted a bold article this week: This is Why Nobody Follows You on Twitter. We at GemFind picked out our top three Twitter problems and provide easy solutions.

Problem 1: Your following ratio is disproportionate. A lopsided ratio of users you follow to users who follow you is often a red flag that an account is spam.

Solution 1: Follow back those who follow you, follow users already talking about what you talk about and release consistent, quality tweets to garner more followers.


Problem 2: Robots craft your tweets. If your recent tweets look like they were automatically generated, people aren't going to follow you.

Solution 2: It is fine to use some automatically generated tweets, but make sure they are mixed in with fresh and personal content as well.


Problem3 : You're selling something. It's bad enough if you use your bio to push a product or service, but if your recent tweets show that you're all about the hard sell, too, no one is going to be interested in your profile.

Solution 3: If you are a brand or represent a brand, occasionally promoting or selling your brand makes sense for your page and your followers. Be sure to incorporate RT's, share interesting information and include tweets about current events.


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