5 Ways to Spice Up Your Website Design and SEO Strategy

Written by GemFind Marketing | November 2, 2016

When discussing SEO you might have heard that the content on your site is just as important as the images you display to convey your brand.  These are just as important as having a responsive website in today's digital world. SEO is a complex beast that requires attention to detail and a little bit of creative thinking. When it comes to your jewelry website design, implementing effective SEO means knowing how and when to include keywords so that they will boost your rankings. Check out our tips below.

Image Tags and Titles - While the vast majority of SEO advice focuses on the visible page content of your site, one of the most useful tools you can use for increasing keyword traffic is tagging your images. Make sure that the images you are using are high resolution and copyright free so  you don't run into licensing trouble.  Tagging your images helps Google and other search engines associate images with your keyword and create another link to your site, which boosts your organic SEO.

Use Plugins - There are tons of great SEO oriented plugins available for web building today. These plugins work by providing analysis and feedback of your content to determine how you can increase your keyword efficiency. Yoast is a great option for starting out and they offer a free version for you to utilize.

Create Relevant Content - Content is king.  If you receive our weekly newsletters, you have heard us say this a lot recently. In order to make your content work well for you, it needs to be unique, relevant, consistent and concise. Since search engines pull small sections of your content to highlight on the search page, you want to provide value to the reader with every single statement.  Doing your research prior will help you reach your more immediate SEO goals.

Make It Social - Everybody is talking about SEO, but the real backbone of great inbound marketing is making that SEO content sharable. Great content alone won't do the job if nobody can see it. Provide links to Facebook, Twitter and Google+ on your blog and product pages so that people can easily share your content with friends. Plus, create your own engaging social media posts to get the word out then check your analytics for results.

Don't Be Afraid To Use Old Content - Fresh content is always good, but if you have a post that was really popular about interactive websites or how to handle a bad Yelp review re-purpose them. Truly, if you look at your analytics and notice that one or two blog posts performed well in the past, there is no harm in sharing them again. You can revisit old blog topics by tying them into current blogs, or you can simply re-share them for any new followers you may have gained.

Using effective SEO in your website design simply means thinking about ways that you can increase the appearance of keywords and ensure that readers have the ability to share what they've learned with friends and family. In the jewelry industry this can include details about how jewelry is made, quality standards and tons of images of your very own designs.  You don't have to spend a lot on product images either their are easy tutorials on how to shoot the perfect image!

For more tips on how you can increase your digital marketing strategy and get more clicks on your website click here.