Gearing Up During Labor Day Weekend

Written by GemFind Marketing | September 6, 2016

Hello Labor Day Weekend! All of us here at GemFind love Labor Day. It is that wonderful day of relaxation that comes at the end of a long summer. It's also the day where we all transition into "fall thinking" as we begin to look ahead to the busiest time of year. If you are a jewelry retailer or vendor, you know exactly what we mean.

Research shows that website traffic increases by 80% in the 4th quarter of each year. In other words, the good people of America spend their time searching the internet for all kinds of purchases--Yes, jewelry purchases.  Have you thought about if your website is ready to handle the traffic?

Don't be so quick to answer...We're not talking about your website's ability to not crash but rather your website's ability to take visitors and turn them into customers.

While you're relaxing and eating some delicious grilled food this Labor Day, here are 3 things to think about as we head into the fall selling season.

1. Are you leveraging social media to drive traffic to your website?

There is something like 300 trillion users on social media. Virtually every man, woman, and child in the entire galaxy spends time each and every day browsing some social media service.  Quite often, the buyer's journey starts on social media. You'd better be there to lead them to your web store.

2. Does your website have a responsive layout?

This is a very important question. You may not know what "responsive layout" means, but you really should take a few minutes to learn this concept because if you don't, you risk paying a steep price in terms of your website's effectiveness.

In a nutshell, responsive design simply means your website is able to respond and adapt to the small screens that everyone has these days. Yep, we're talking about mobile phones and tablets. Here's the deal...Search engines have realized that at least half of all searches happen from mobile devices. So, they want to deliver content to the searcher that is viewable on small screens as well as the big desktop screens.

So open up your cell phone and go to your website. Is it readable? Do the pictures look ok? Can you navigate easily? If not, you'd better start planning to make your site more responsive...and quick!

3. Do you have current blog posts on your website?

Now look, we "get it". Blogging is time-consuming and cumbersome, but it is highly valuable to make your website attractive to potential customers. People are searching for answers and you need to be the one jeweler shoppers come to for advice. The way you go from zero to hero is to write thoughtful blogs, and write your blog consistently each week so your website is always fresh, new, and exciting.

Hopefully, these three questions have stimulated some thought in that old noggin of yours. If you feel good about your website, then hat's off to you! You will no doubt be rewarded come 4th quarter as you convert shoppers into customers through your website.

But, if you are less than satisfied with your website, that's where GemFind can help. Our innovative jewelry website solutions can transform your bottom line.

Ask us about our free website consultation today.  We are in the business of helping you succeed!