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The Diamond Story of 2014
Avi Krawitz Dec. 26
The reduction of bank credit available to the diamond industry is a game changer that will influence the market for many years to come. Therefore, this column has chosen bank credit as its most important story of 2014, rising above other strong candidates for the title.
3 retail predictions for 2015
Joseph Dobrian
National Jeweler Dec. 29
Jewelers and market observers anticipate a more competitive year in 2015, in what is already an ultra-competitive retail climate.
The high and low ends of the business will grow at the expense of the middle, and jewelers will face continued competition from other categories, especially electronics.
One Sector to Watch in 2015: Gold
American Hard Assets Dec. 29
As the New Year approaches, there are all sorts of outlooks and predictions floating around. Where will oil prices go? Will the market volatility continue? Will gold finally bounce back? There is one sector that I believe will do better in 2015 and pose to be a good investment in the long run: gold.
How much should a diamond cost?
Dasha Platonova
Dec. 29
In early November, Martin Rapaport, the founding Chairman of the Rapaport Group released a message addressed to the entire industry in which he expressed his deep concern about more than 100,000 overgraded diamonds worth more than $ 1 billion and about defrauded customers who bought them at an inflated price. >>>
The 3 biggest stories of 2014
Michelle Graff
National Jeweler Dec. 24
Here are what I believe to be the three biggest stories of the year, in order of importance. Here are what I believe to be the three biggest stories of the year, in order of importance.
World's Largest Laboratory Pure Grown Diamond Unveiled
Pure Grown Diamonds announces a scientific breakthrough with the unveiling of the fist-ever, world's largest, laboratory-cultivated brilliant white diamonds that are indistinguishable from mined diamonds, even under a microscope, yet cost 30 to 40 percent less - just in time for New Year's Eve when millions of Americans get engaged.
12 Jewelry Trends for 2015: The 4th Annual List of What to Buy, Sell, and Stock in the Year Ahead
Jennifer Heebner
JCK December 29
As for what's in store for 2015, here are my predictions based on what's been happening in the market this year, on fashion runways, and on the red carpet. Happy selling!
"GemFind has The best Diamond Search in the industry" Israel Diamonds
Diamonds in Your Eyes: Meet the $15,000 Contact Lenses
The Israeli Diamond Industry Blog Dec. 29
After Dr. Chawan of India's Shekhar Eye Research Center has found a new way to accessorize diamonds, and it's an original one: contact lenses with a ring of diamonds in them. >>>
800.373.4373 for more info
Confidential: The Importance Of Email Marketing For Small Businesses
Red Akrim Business2Community December 28
Some people argue that spam or junk mail essentially killed email marketing. Makes sense, if you think about it. Don't we all hate spam?
The Wisdom of Recognizing When to Heed Good Advice
Daniel O'Neil Entrepreneur Dec. 24
As best I can figure it out, here are four ways to assure yourself that you heed good advice, reliable counsel that could propel you to a lifetime achievement.
My 10 Favorite Jewelry Promotions of 2014
To show creativity still abounds in this industry, each year I like to spotlight my favorite strange, unusual, audacious, and, yes, sometimes beautiful jewelry promotions, from big stores to small. And this year has some great ones. Take a look.
Why You're So Forgetful (and How to Start Remembering Again)
Barry Moltz OPEN Forum Dec. 26
The sheer volume of information we have to process daily has made it harder to remember anything. Here are 6 reasons we're forgetting more and how to help fix those memory lapses.
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