Facebook Ads Cheaper, More Effective

Written by Alex | October 31, 2013

Before debuting amazing Q3 earnings figures, Facebook ads were proven to improve in nearly every metric in year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter comparisons.

The ads are growing more effective over time and becoming even more cost-effective.

Adobe's first annual Social Media Intelligence report found that Facebook's ad clicks, ad impressions and advertisers' return on investment were all higher in 2013 than in 2012.

Compared to last year, Facebook ads were clicked 29% more often, and the return to investors was 58% higher than last year. With lower cost-per-click metrics (by 40%), Facebook advertising is becoming cheaper and more effective.

The study anticipates marketers can expect similar improvements moving into the future.

Aaron Goldman, Kenshoo CMO, notes Facebook's success involves increasing advertisers who constantly change their ad delivery to find what works best.

Facebook still holds the top spot, but social networks Twitter and Pinterest also made significant gains last quarter with referral traffic to retail sites.  Twitter's referral traffic grew more than 250% last year.

Read the full article here.


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